Documents Included
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Documents Included
Revocable Living Trust (for a married couple, the software automatically determines the correct type of trust — whether a “simple trust”, a “disclaimer trust”, an “A/B trust” or a “Q-Tip trust”)
“Pour-Over” Will
Certification of Trust
Declaration of Trust
Assignment of Personal Property
General Durable Power of Attorney
Health Care Powers (including a “Living Will and Mental Health Care Power of Attorney”) which are HIPAA compliant
Burial Instructions
Distribution of Personal Property Instruction Form
Deed for Residence (if needed)
Deed for other Real Property (if needed)
Deed for Mineral/Oil & Gas Interests (if needed)
Letter of Instructions to Bank
Letters of Instruction for Brokers, Mutual Funds and Direct Registration Accounts (if needed)
Stock Powers and transmittal letters for stock certificates held by you (if needed)
Letters of Instruction for Life Insurance, IRA’s and Annuities (if needed)
Assignments for Business Interests, General and Limited Partnerships, LLC’s, Notes and Deeds of Trusts, etc. (again, if needed)
Affidavit of Death of Joint Tenant (if property is still held in Joint Tenancy with a deceased spouse)
Explanation of Estate Planning Provisions
Signing Instructions
Funding Instructions (for after-acquired assets)